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‘A River Of Milk’, started as an e-zine that turned into this blog of Dutch-English poetry. I, your Laura of milk, am the editor and responsible for most of the translations from Dutch to English. Poetry Books for review can be send to my personal home adress after contacting me by e-mail. Submissions can be send to

zondag 15 januari 2017

Vicky Francken - When I had a child, I thought

When I had a child, I thought
this child I’ll have to care for.

Giantess of glass and cerebral cortex,
a gnarl grows 

from my bare chest. A little fist
lays itself in my grip. Disposable skeleton

from stone that proves to be bone, hard enough
to not break beneath the cradle blankets

soft enough
for two alive.

Translation by Laura Bosma and Vicky Francken.
The Dutch original of this poem can be found in Vicky's first volume of poetry,
'Röntgenfotomodel' that has recently been published.

Toen ik een kind kreeg, dacht ik
voor dit kind moet ik zorgen.

Reuzin van glas en hersenschors,
een knoest groeit

uit mijn blote bast. Een knuistje
legt zich in mijn vuist. Wegwerpskelet

van steen blijkt been, hard genoeg
om niet te breken onder wiegedekens

zacht genoeg
voor twee in leven.

Vicky Francken  (1989) is a poet and a translator. Her first volume of poetry, Röntgenfotomodel (X-ray Photo Model), has recently been published.

picture: Merlijn Doomernik

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